Soya 3D Printing Pen TestReview 2016


Video Creator’s Channel Tech“>Dylan Hong

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Hi My Name Is Dylan Hong And

today I’ve got a special video for you guys I got this in the mail today. It’s a 3d printing pen from a company named Soy Ann and as someone who loves tech and consumer electronics. Of course I love 3d printing tacky you guys know that and so I was extremely curious about checking out this 3d printing pen. I’ve got a little different setup Today I’ve got an action camera there sorry. It’s in the shot and but hey and I wanted to show off the unboxing and operation of this pen so let’s get right into it operation instructions probably important probably what power cable sorry you can see the microphone right here.

I Need To Get A Studio

or something really and I was right. It’s a power brick alright got a plugged in used in outlet extender press. the wire feeding button to start preheating after about a half to two minutes later. The red light will turn blue, saying that the pen is ready to use insert the consumable material to the wire loading hole will be loaded by the built-in motor Okay you can adjust the spray amount. According to the moving speed no need to use both hands okay okay yeah.

It Looks Pretty Simple Comes With Three Three

pieces of filament. There each 10 grams total 30 grams extra filament for free that comes with this. You can buy a pack. I believe it’s 17 dollars on Amazon and you get a bunch like a lot of filming I’ll link to that down in the description down below. So this is a UK film on its standard thickness 1.

75 Millimeters.

I prefer UK for actual 3d printing let’s see how this goes oh and. course the 3d printing pen that’s important plug this guy straight in Oh! It comes in different colors-blue, yellow, orange and grey alright. So I just pressed on this the feed button and the light has turned red. I guess I just let it sit and wait alright So it’s green now so let’s get right into it.

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  • checking 3d printing pen
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  • pens

I Got This Pink Filament That I

want to try out. So I just press the feed button and it’s doing this for me so you can slowly see it and feel it start feeding in I do wish there were better management for all this filament. I don’t I don’t know what I’m going to. I mean I kid alright get a nice bracelet here. We go you just want to start start drawing now alright.

Im Alright, Im Really Just Trying To Draw

a box at this point like a square cube. You really you start to get the hang of it. It is very tricky in the beginning Oh and there it is my beautiful creation. This wonderful cube look at that look at that can you even see this in that camera. I don’t know look at it.

Its Beautiful You Can Put It On Like

two of the sides. This is actually a lot of fun melting UK plastic is a little less environmentally safe than UK. A triangle triforce 3d track force let’s see how this goes the filament does last a long time 10 grams. I mean I feel like I’ve used none of this in all my testing so far. I know I haven’t printed a lot but this is the base who I should just start out with the smaller triangles first Ooh too much Ah this this could totally come out better with practice.

Dont Dont Think That Youre Gonna Be Whipping

out magical creations the first time you get this thing Cuz unless I’m just really bad and there it is my beautiful gorgeous Triforce from The Legend of Zelda all right I’m gonna try do something real big here draw a little mini man let’s let’s see this let’s go I’m not a huge fan of the fastest speed. I put it around mid speed and I’ve I’ve liked that a lot more feet good structure look at this beautiful feet okay now we’re like this thick stuff now I feel like I’m burning through some filaments Oh and yeah giving stuff a second or two. to dry or dry well harden is seems like it works a lot better okay that’s actually that’s not bad if I do say so myself look at all this detail that I’m putting into this. This is the nervous system like by a real hyper-realistic nervous system Wow there we go play this a little man it’ll turn to standby mode if I don’t do anything with it for a while but I’m just gonna unplug it save the planet overall I have to say this was really fun.

I Only Played With It For 30

minutes, but I mean from my initial creation, which is this to my all around to my all-around masterpiece, which is this guy right big difference the more you play with it. The more you get into it the better you get and it’s fun it really is fun now there are a. Other 3D printing pens out there and the the biggest one out there you’ve probably heard of it cost hundred dollars right that that’s expensive really what you’re thinking of is it’s a hot glue gun that instead of does glue it’s filament you know stackable moldable filament. You can pick this guy up for $36 on Amazon links down in the description down below but that’s that’s really reasonable for something this much fun if you like doing fun art stuff like this you want to try it out or you just need a gift for someone.

This Is Pretty Cool Gift Id Be Stoked

to get something like this. My name is Dawn Hong. This has been my unboxing and review of the UK in 3d printing pen like and subscribe for some more Tech goodness and thanks for watching.


Dylan Hong shows off the unboxing and operation of a 3d printing pen from a company named Soy Ann . The pen comes in different colors-blue, yellow, orange and grey alright. It comes with three three pieces of filament. Each 10 grams total 30 grams extra filament for free that comes with this.& I believe it’s 17 dollars on Amazon and you get a bunch like a lot of filming. I’ll link to that down in the description down below.& So this is a UK film on its standard thickness 1.75 millimeters. I prefer UK for actual 3D printing let’s see how this goes oh and. I just press the feed button and it’s doing this for me. I guess I just let it sit and wait alright. So it’s green now so let’s get right into it. I got this pink filament that I want to try out. I’m going to test it out. It’s not a bad idea. I’ve got a little different…. Click here to read more and watch the full video