Can I Use A Build Plate with My 3D PEN


Video Creator’s Channel Mity Mouse

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Hello Youtube Today I Got This Build Plate

from my friend who ordered some pla and this came free seems to be a trend on providers for pla to give these build plates Now. This thing is a bit flexible and it has a glued back. So this is designed to go down on a plate. Now. I don’t have a 3d printer, but I do have a pen and I want to test today to see how well the pla from here will stick on this without this being a heated build plate.

So I Have A Feeling Itll

work a whole lot better than the wood planks that I’ve been operating on currently and also I have a piece of pet g I’ve never ever tried it on my 3d pen. I don’t know if it’ll get hot enough to be able to melt this but let’s do. That as well so I’m going to cut a piece of plywood and put this down on it because I’m a bit concerned about it being so flexible and I think it’ll help stabilize things so that if I happen to bend it, the pla won’t come peeling off so here we go so UK so so normally you see me working with this kind of wood. This is actually a press board more of a cardboard than a wood and it comes in packing material with a large shipping. So this works really well and it’s very flat, but my pla often wants to peel up off of it and sometimes it peels pieces of this off So this is not the best of situation, but it’s the one.

I Have Been Using For Quite Some

time. So I had left over Plywood and now I cut myself up. a piece and I don’t want to use plywood because the surface is so grainy. I’d have to sand it smooth and this may provide the perfect opportunity. I think once I get this glue down here, it’ll be stable enough to move around and not worry about it getting any bends in it or anything like that.

So Im Gonna Glue It Down And Then

heat up the pla and see how it works here’s another important fact for you the desk that I’m on here is plastic and this is one thing. I do not want pla to ever touch because the last table that I used. I had a piece get on there and never did get it off so that’s why I use wood and rather than putting it down on anything else plastic. I don’t know whether or not I’ll stick to this but I. Don’t want to test it so here we go all right for the sake of comparison.

Im Going To Run A Small Square On

each of these pieces to see how well it tacks down now. I know it doesn’t tack down immediately very well on this surface because this is so slippery and this is this is rather coarse. You can hear that so I’m also going to do this on slow speed and that way there the pla will have more time in the heat okay the blue stuff is out. You can see how easily it comes up off of there so let’s do a little square most of the time. I’m going in time lapse and you don’t get to see how slow this is it’s not really laborious.

Its Actually Kind Of Fun The Way That

it just kind of oozes out and as it’s. doing that you’re actually making something I find that so fun and actually it’s kind of sedative. It’s it’s very relaxing and if you don’t get in a hurry you’ll enjoy this I’m gonna go over this again just to make it a big solid piece. There’s one all right let’s try it out here you really can’t tell how well it’s sticking until you actually back up and go backwards like you try to make up a mistake make up for a mistake and but it does appear to be sticking very well and I’m going to let them both completely cool before taking them up just to see the difference and I have a feeling that this surface the way that it is evenly pitted will give a good grip and and because it is some sort of a vinyl or plastic it will release it it won’t. hang on to it permanently because as I’ve mentioned before Pla adheres to itself like glue.

I Mean It Does A Really Good Job

of bonding to itself and that’s why you can do these kind of layers here and it’s like one cohesive piece Now The reason why I wanted to do two layers is because that gets the entire square hot, so I’m going to let that cool right. I decided that while this is cooling down make use of the time and try this pet g out now I’ve never used Petg. It is a higher temp plastic um, but I have a feeling that this gun gets hot enough for it and another one that I’m really anxious to try is called Pla plus and it is a stronger plastic. It’s still pla, but it’s much harder of a pla they save up to five times. stronger so here We go with slow speed with this stuff and if it stalls out.

  • plywood
  • flexible
  • plate
  • bend
  • adhesion

  • glued designed plate don 3d
  • glue heat pla works important
  • pla stick heated build
  • plywood bit concerned flexible
  • flexible damaging build plate look

Then Ill Know It Just Cant

melt it okay it looks like it’s coming out there. It is I’m seeing silver already it’s looks pretty stable. Oh look at that this stuff hardens out yeah. This stuff’s different so let’s get that out of the way and make a couple of new squares one on here I don’t know if this is going to stick to here yeah. This is this is coming out as less liquefied plastic.

I Dont Smell It It Doesnt Seem

to have any scent whatsoever of course. I have the fan blowing. I usually don’t like the but the scent of the pla linger around me yeah. This is wow this is some. This is a whole lot more plasticky plastic all right.

Im Gonna Speed It Up Here.

And then come back all right. I want to accomplish a couple of other things. Oh geez well there you see this one here did not stick at all this one’s still stuck comes up evie easy. I mean that’s more stuck that’s what I’m after right there.

This Pla Really Sticks But Whats

neat about it is. Although it was stuck really hard. I’m not digging and gouging holes like I do in this stuff all the time all right. We have two swatches. I’m gonna let those totally cool come back and see if I can pull them apart all right before I try to pull these two apart and let me show you the difference in the way that the plastics come out.

If You You Can See That This Up

close shot here. This looks like you know a regular weld if you’ve ever done any. Welding that’s that’s a pretty good look. This one here looks like there’s just not enough heat to make it come out the same and it looks kind of braided so that would not be as good a weld because it’s just too cool coming out of the the tip so I’m going to pull these apart. I really should say I’m going to attempt to pull these apart all right first the pet G and I’m going to pull and twist and oh it just came right off no put no stick whatsoever on itself and no stick whatsoever on the pla so the pet G it appears to not be very well adhesive.

I Dont Think My Gun Is Hot

enough, but this yeah I can feel it breaking apart. You can actually hear it breaking apart so the second layer is not really glued down very well. All right let’s see how well that the pla stuck together to anything didn’t stick together too good on that and neither that so I guess I’m telling a lie the pet g is still cracking in the pla and not cracking. I guess the difference is whenever you have hot pla and you come back over it and layer it like this. Then it really does um adhere to itself a whole lot better than when it’s cold like this.

However, I Have Been Able To

stick. The reason why I did it on the flat side was because that would be the least location to be able to stick to it so so that was actually a surprising outcome that it didn’t stick to itself too well on either one of them. So now I want to do a quick test run This will be the final on. a thin line because I never can do a thin line on this wood. It just wants to pull up and watch it make a lie of me again all right.

I Have The Pen Set At

its fastest speed and that means that the pla will not have a lot of heat in it and sometimes I want to run a thin line. When I press it down close to itself like this and then you make any kind of a turn and then backtrack well wow today it’s working there We go this is the problem. I’m talking about right here, so I have a feeling I will not experience that on this overture build plate let’s see when I was coming back so run down and make a square. Let me try that again with a hesitation wow. Even when I pull it, I can tell that.

It Is Stuck Down I Cant

even pull it off of there Now. This is a good sign if you wanted to lay a thin laying thin line down a thin plate like this, you can do that it sticks wow all right No it is this is great. This is what you want and when it cools it’ll come up easier because it’s less flexible and i’m not damaging this build plate at all look at that that adhesion is great that’s what you want when you’re building something because this stuff is tougher than you realize it’s very hard to break it and ruin it and let me give my review. So here is the end all with the overture build plate that comes with the pla rolls now and this thing is worth it it’s worth I would pay five bucks for one of these I don’t. Even know if they sell them separately and I’m not even sure what size This is.

It Looks Like A 200 By

200 or 300 by 300, but it’s a nice size. I don’t I rarely ever build anything bigger than this the other thing else. The only other thing I was concerned about was whether or not. I can draw on it and erase so drawing on it is not so good any racing yeah it comes right up whereas here it comes up, but it does still leave a shadow of a pla past okay black on black doesn’t work. It doesn’t show up but what about white on black ah broken lead Oh come on all right.

This Is Not Lead, But I Got

the lead out. Let’s see all right it shouldn’t break doesn’t want to do very good job. Okay that’s good enough, so I would not recommend any kind of a greasy pencil.


Aims to test how well the pla from here will stick on this without this being a heated build plate . Build plate is designed to go down on a plate.& I don’t know if it’ll get hot enough to be able to melt this but let’s do. Hello Youtube Today? I got this build plate from my friend who ordered some pla and this came free seems to be a trend on providers for pla to give these build plates Now.& This thing is a bit flexible and it has a glued back.& So I have a feeling it’ll work a whole lot better than the wood planks that I’ve been operating on currently.& Now. I’ve never ever tried it on my 3d pen, but I don’t have a 3d printer, but it may provide the perfect opportunity. I want to test today to see how well it’ll work a little bit better. I’m going to cut a piece of plywood…. Click here to read more and watch the full video