Draw 3D Objects With A 3D Printing Pen Video


Video Creator’s Channel JD Quad

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Hey Folks Jd Here And Today Im Going To

attempt to show you how to create a 3D object using a 3D printer pen. Now you can create a 3D object in 2d space. It’s very very simple, but you have to be very very slow or there’s a way that I that I view that I use which is basically a way to cheat and first of all you start off by snipping and making sure all of the ple that is going into the back of the pen is at a complete flat angle. There’s no drags there’s no strings so it’s completely flat before you put it in you have to turn on the printer pen and you have to get it up to up to temperature. It takes a couple of minutes based on your pen.

  • 3d
  • pen
  • nozzle
  • printing
  • object

It Can Take A Little While So Just

be sure. You give yourself enough time when the light goes green then at that stage, you are able to feed in the filament in the pla directly in the back and again that takes a little bit of time. Once you are once, you can feel the pen Once you can feel the motor bringing in the pla don’t push it just leave it go in Don’t keep your fingers on it. I I keep my fingers on it for a couple of seconds just to ensure I can definitely feel it being sucked into the back of the pen. You don’t want to transfer too much grease from your hand onto the filament because that does alter the way the filament melts.

It Alters Exactly How Your Your End

result as well of your print. So the less you touch the filament the better once you’ve given that time to come in and once the the the nozzle has then started to melt it and you see it come out at the end. Then you can start to draw so first of all what I’m going to do to test this theory. I’m going to make a very very basic triangle. Basically.

Im Not Going To Join It All Up.

I’m just going to create three lines stick those lines together and see whether it can a freestand and B. Whether it can hold its own weight and see whether or not the 3d printed joints actually hold the. weight so for that create three lines basically go up and down a few times two or three times just to create a bit of strength within that pla. It’s very very quick drying once you’ve done that then what we can do is take it or take all the pieces up and then we can slowly start to put two of them together in an upside down v shape and then just put a tiny bit of pla on the top wait for that to go off and add the third bit at a slight angle and then just before the pla goes off that time stand it up and pry across the pry open your shape just enough to make a basic triangle.

  • using 3d printer pen
  • enjoy 3d pen going doing
  • 3d pen going doing tutorials
  • object using 3d printer pen
  • pen create 3d object 2d

At That Point It Should Be

freestanding enough for you to just let it go and for it to stand up on its own hopefully. That is exactly what you’ve got now based on that what I want to start making I want to start making some quite complex cubes. So quite literally. We can do this in 2d space, but it will take a very very long time to go very slowly and to ensure you build the correct cube or once again. Using JD‘s method you can cheat which gives you a very very well.

It Gives You A Very Basic

basic cube now for this I have sped up this video so it’s not your eyes. I’m sorry if you can’t catch exactly what’s happening, but essentially I will describe to you what I’m doing so. A cube itself is made up of one square four standing areas and then another square on top of that so essentially what we’re going to want to do is we’re going to want to create. four lines in the same method as we did for the triangle going over it two or three times just to create some strength within those supports then using a spatula. Once you’ve created all four get those four four parts up create a square make sure your parts are roughly the same size of the same length.

If Theyre Not Just Trim Them Down Using

a scalpel. Be very careful and then you can start then using the 3d pen to join them all together just to melt some joints in the same way that we did with the with the triangle essentially it’s plastic weld, so you just want to weld those plastic bits together. Once you’ve got yourself a square create four more strands. Those are going to be for your central supports and then stick them on and then from that point then create another four. And then create a cube and then stick that cube on top of those supports so stick that square sorry on top of that supports that then gives you a cube from that point.

Then You Can Just Leave It Dry And

you will have yourself a full cube structure and it is quite hard. It is quite stitch quite sturdy. Obviously you can’t stand on it, but there is enough there for you to put a little bit of weight behind it to feel exactly how strong This is now this demonstration obviously is quite rushed. I have done a very very delicate operation in so much that has taken me three hours to make a cube and the end result of that is that I have a really strong really really firm cube that I can actually put some weight onto and it’s from that that I’m going. to make something else which I’m going to show you quite soon so there we have it that is just two very very simple ways to make two very very simple objects, just to get you starting and just to get you thinking a little bit in in in 3d using a 3d pen.

Now This Video Will Play On

for about another five or six minutes and just go through every single thing that I have that I have said if you want to see exactly how I do it. I have sped it up, but I have also got a slowed down full version which you can find if you want to watch it all and see how ev every bit of painstaking part goes together, which is about 28 to 35 minutes long. You will find that link in the description should you want to see exactly. How that goes now? I hope you enjoy your 3d pen. I am going to be doing more of these tutorials and hopefully as time goes on.

Theyre Going To Be Getting A Bit More

complex and I’m going to start to be able to draw a little bit more than just cubes and triangles, but as a very very basic start this you can’t go far wrong in because at least as soon as you get your pen you can start to draw something immediately and it’ll bring a bit of delight to everybody’s face to see exactly what it is you’re capable of doing all right my friends well. I hope that has been some use please continue to watch and as I’ve said if you want to see the full uncut real-time version. You’ll find the link in the description of this video that will take you. to that video, all right my friends thanks ever so much for watching and listening.

Ive Been Jd Youve Been Fantastic As Always

if you haven’t already please like and subscribe and ring that bell too hello and welcome to all the new subscribers. I hope you’re enjoying the channel so until next time. My friends happy printing you.


You have to be very very slow or there’s a way that I that I view that I use which is basically a way to cheat and first of all you start off by snipping and making sure all of the ple that is going into the back of the pen is at a complete flat angle . Once you are once, you can feel the motor bringing in the pla don’t push it just leave it go in Don’t keep your fingers on it. The less you touch the filament the better once you’ve given that time to come in and once the the nozzle has then started to melt it and you see it come out at the end . Then you can start to draw so what I’m going to do to test this theory. I’m just going to make a very very basic triangle. The 3d printed joints actually hold the.& I’m not going to join it all up. I am going to create three lines stick those lines together and see whether it can a freestand and…. Click here to read more and watch the full video