3Doodler Create 3D Pen Review Best Thing You Should Buy 2017


Video Creator’s Channel Mr Helpful

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  • 3d
  • 3doodler
  • drawing
  • surface
  • illustrator

I Received This Product In Exchange For A Thorough

review which I have shared on my Youtube channel Youtube search What can the 3doodler do my video review says More than I can say in words, but here is a summary as a designer and illustrator. I picked up 3d doodling very quickly and I was making fantastic models my first day. I can’t say everyone will have the same experience, but if you come up with ideas within the realm of what the 3doodler can do amazing results will follow the thought of drawing in 3d is a bit daunting, but this pen exceeded my expectations. You can draw flat on the surface and easily connect pieces together to make complex 3d models or you can draw straight up into the air.

Dont Expect To Be Able To

draw every which way and thin there because the plastic takes. a second or two to harden, but if you’re clever with it, you can figure out ways to achieve whatever you’re imagining Of course. There’s a learning curve but keep playing with the 3doodler and you will make some satisfying things Smiley face the pen is especially good for more organic models like look at X you see in the accompanying photo and in my video.

  • expect able draw way plastic
  • complex 3d models draw
  • 3doodler make satisfying things
  • 3d bit daunting pen
  • 3d doodling quickly making


The 3doodler can be used to make complex 3d models . The pen is especially good for organic models like look at X you see in the accompanying photo and in my video . I received this product in exchange for a thorough review which I have shared on my Youtube channel Youtube search What can the 3doodleler do my video review says . I can’t say everyone will have the same experience, but if you’re clever with it, you can figure out ways to achieve whatever you’re imagining . There’s a learning curve but keep playing with the pen and you will make some satisfying things Smiley face the pen is particularly good for more organic models such as look at the X you seen in the photo and the video . The plastic takes a second or two to harden, but the pen can be hard to draw every which way and thin there because the plastic takes.& a second to hardens, but it takes a few seconds to hardening. It takes a long time…. Click here to read more and watch the full video