3D Printing Pen Unboxing Review MYNT3D Professional Printing RP800A 3D Pen with OLED Display


Video Creator’s Channel Not Hershal

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Whats Up Guys In This Video Im

going to be unboxing and demonstrating the mint 3d printing pen, which was gifted to me in this bundle here that includes this Mika 3d filament and it’s in a whole bunch of different colors as you can see as well as this Mika 3d silicon mat, which has a couple of little like finger guard type things as well as little grooves in the mat. So you can have some I guess prescribed shapes In case. You wanted to make some things that follow you know circular or triangular patterns and so there’s that little mat now for the the box for this 3d printing pen overall the packaging seems just fine pretty consistent with a lot of the stuff we get from China and then inside the box. There’s this little screwdriver tool and some other little tool there and then. You’ve got some filament here three different colors, your red, yellow and blue.

Theres Some Literature There Power Cable Power Block

for UsB power and the pen so next thing. I’m going to do is try to figure out how easy this is to use so we’re going to go ahead and plug that in okay so now that I’ve got the pen plugged in we’re going to try to figure this out now I’m not going to read the manual at all and the idea here is to kind of figure out the ease of use without the manual right now there is a little display on here that shows a couple of different pieces of information. I’m not sure if I can get that perfectly focused, but basically what it says up here is welcome and then target T is 210 so I think that’s target temperature is. 210 which and then it says Abs, so it says Abs here Which I assume is a type of filament or something um Of course I’m not going to read the manual to figure that out we’re just going to try to wing it here okay, so I’ve got the filament here kind of just stuck into the back end of this thing and I’m just gonna give this a try see um okay so I hit the down arrow here which is one button on there and now it kind of shows that the temperature is beginning to increase of the pen and so I’m probably going to need to pull the filament out and wait for it to actually heat up to the target temperature, which is 210 and it is now at 210. and I can smell something burning.

So Im Gonna Go Ahead And Start To.

feed this in and see if it works okay there we go so I had to have this switch up and then I can hit the down button and as I hold it it’ll feed it through. I look seems to appear that way there we go it’s forced out a bunch of white plasticky stuff and I’m gonna go ahead and try to figure this out now. I’m not that great of an artist so I’m just gonna follow the little circles on here and see what I can make of it okay so there we go I made this little circle thing so let’s see how let me go ahead and make another one and then I’ll try to fuse them together with some lines or something so there’s my second circle. It’s actually kind of rough, but I’ve got two circles that are about the same size.

So Now Im Going To Like

draw some lines to see if maybe I can attempt to fuse those lines together that was actually pretty bad. See I can try that again so I’ve got two of them there. So I’ve created six of these little sticks and then what I’m going to try to do is fuse them to these to try to make a type of cylinder. I guess like just trying to make some kind of shape that’s where these things are useful obviously in trying to make 3D objects so that’s what I’m going to attempt to do and see how successful. I am at it.

  • pen overall packaging just fine
  • little mat box 3d printing
  • usb power pen thing
  • demonstrating mint 3d printing
  • mika 3d filament bunch

Ive Seen Somewhere On A Little A

couple of videos where you can kind of hold a piece there and it’ll fuse to it so that’s what I’m going to try to do three yes all right guys so there. You go, I’ve made my little cylindrical cage thing and then I guess what you can probably do to add a little bit of structure to it is you know zigzag in between. I’m not an incredibly artistic person and I was able to figure it out and make something pretty simple with it and so in terms of usability. I mean this was pretty easy. I didn’t pick up the manual at all and I kind of figured it out from there and I am going to read the manual now just to kind of see what this abs thing is now as far as the build quality of the pen it’s actually pretty good.

It Feels Good.

I don’t know how much more ergonomic these things can get it is a big square pen but really compact. In a couple of years, I’ll probably be laughing at this. video because they’ll probably get smaller and better really I’m not having any issues as you can see what I made is a little messy. I just need some practice.

  • filament
  • pen
  • plug
  • packaging
  • screwdriver

I Think Getting Used To The Rate

of the rate of the flow of all the plastic that comes out of it. Overall, I’m pretty happy with it it’s kind of a neat little toy but nothing more than that I wouldn’t really I really wouldn’t use it for anything more important, but definitely a good toy so there we go using a baseball that was flying around right here in the studio. I made the two halves of the baseball. I traced them around the outside of the ball and fused them together. The best I could obviously didn’t do a very good job.

There Are Some Areas That Are

broken or real thin. I’m gonna need a lot. of practice with this thing just to figure out how to use it? But there is another quick little thing you can try to do is just trace things around your office home? Whatever I’ve seen people do things with shot glasses where they create like a little cup, something that’s good enough to hold paper clips or thumb tacks or something like that this ball will basically be good for nothing but to look at and be proud of as my first or rather second thing that I’ve created out of the the pen so that’s it guys overall. It seems like a pretty cool little toy and these are the two things that I’ve created with thanks for watching guys and if you have any questions, please feel free to comment in the comment section below and don’t forget to like and subscribe.


In this video I’m going to be unboxing and demonstrating the mint 3d printing pen, which was gifted to me in this bundle here that includes this Mika 3d filament and it’s in a whole bunch of different colors . The packaging seems just fine pretty consistent with a lot of the stuff we get from China and then inside the box . Inside the box there’s this little screwdriver tool and some other little tools there and then. There’s some literature there power cable power block for UsB power and the pen so next thing. I’m not going to read the manual to figure out the ease of use without the manual right now there is a little display on here that shows a couple of different pieces of information. It says up here is welcome and then target T is 210 so I think that’s target temperature is.& 210 which and then it says Abs, so it said Abs here . The idea here is to kind of figure out how easy this is to use ….. Click here to read more and watch the full video